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Snow flakes for colouring
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Snowflakes for colouring that you can easily use for Christmas decoration. An easy task both for the small and grown up children.

You need empty toilet paper rolls, scissors, glue, and paints (tempera or acrylic). One paper roll makes two snowflakes after being cut into eight pieces. Glue the stripes very well, because when you paint them they may unglue from the moisture.

Apply colours at your choice – we preferred the classic blue and white.

Finally, when they are dried up, cut the ends to make the snowflakes even more beautiful.


These are our ornaments for the Christmas bazaar. They turned out quite beautiful and sparkly… just like the store-bought type.

We used our favorite wooden beads and sparkly pipe-cleaners.

Here are more easy models for beady Christmas ornaments.

Pipe-cleaners have the advantage of being easy to join together so your creation can be extended without much trouble.

And here are some bead crafts we have done before:

Stars from looms, wooden sticks and thread

These looms are in every house – small and not so small kids are crazy about them
So, it’ll be easy for you to make this Christmas star.
You need five wooden sticks, thread of different colors and five looms.

Be careful when weaving the sticks (see the picture – each stick is once above another stick and once under). This will make the stars firm when ready.


Here are some easy and entertaining activities for the upcoming Christmas season. Paper plates are a versatile material that can be colored with all kinds of paints, glued on, folded or cut with scissors. Just perfect for a large group of endlessly creative kids.
1. For Santa or a dwarf staple together as shown 2 paper plates, some white paper napkins and some cotton wool.

2.Christmas angels made of paper plates and pipe-cleaners.
More ideas like this…

3. 2 paper plates were stapled together to make this snowman. Decorate with paper wire to add the fashionable scarf.

4. Tissue and paper plate Christmas candles.

5. One paper plate, some tissue paper and crayons… Voila! A Christmas tree!

Snowman made of egg boxes

Kids find it very fascinating when they see that the objects may have a second life. How the empty egg carton, which mom usually throws away, turns into amazing things in no time, like these snowmen, for example.
We have made these marvellous snowmen from a 10-egg box. We used almost the entire box for the body, broom, nose and hat. Isn’t that all for a snowman?

And we have one more toy for the Christmas tree ready.

5 great ideas for winter decorations from eye make-up remover pads

Look at these five great ideas for winter decorations from eye make-up remover cotton pads.
Snowman and snow scenery – decoration for small kids - we have used glue stick and colored sheets of paper for decoration.

2. Beautiful snow balls
They are really beautiful, soft and very easy to make. You will need 15 cotton pads fold into two and joined by a stapler at one point. Take a needle and thread and string the pads. After that take the two ends of the thread and tighten it as much as possible. Use your hands to additionally shape the cotton ball. Don’t forget to put a lase for hanging.

3. Snow flowers for coloring
You may leave these beautiful flowers white, but you can also color them with markers. You will need 9 cotton pads and a stapler. Look at the pictures to see how to make it. When you are ready use your fingers to open the edges of the central pad to hide the staples.

4. Snowflakes – snow curtain
My favorite! They are just an awesome decoration for windows and spacious rooms. Just string the pads with the help of a needle and thread. There’s no need to use glue – the pads stay on their positions.

5. Little angels
You will need two pads per angle as well as stapler and googly eyes. Be careful when you put the staples – they must be on the opposite part of the angles. Put the eyes on the two parts of the staple, thus you will hide it completely.